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产品展示 / PRODUCT
Propylene Glycol
    Publish time 2022-12-26 15:52    

CAS Number:57-55-6

Propylene Glycol

Colorless viscous and stable absorbent liquid, almost odorless odorless, flammable, low toxicity. Viscosity (20℃) 60.5mpa.s, specific heat capacity (20℃) 2.49 kJ / (kg. ℃), heat of vaporization (101.3kpa) 711 kJ / kg. Discible with water, ethanol and various organic solvents.

Propylene glycol can be used as a raw material for unsaturated polyester resin, and is also a raw material for plasticizer, surfactant, emulsifier and emultissor. It can be used as mildew prevention agent, fruit ripening agent, preservative, antifreeze agent and tobacco moisturizer.